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5-Day Clean Up Your Diet Day 3

5 Day Diet Challenge

Welcome to Day 3 of the Clean up Your Diet Challenge!


So, here’s how far we’ve come!

Day 1 – Protein

Day 2 – Fruits & Veggies

Don’t forget to join the Facebook Group HERE.


5 Day Diet Challenge: DAY 3 – Hydration

The body is about 70% water, and you need it to function properly. The brain is mostly water too so drinking water helps you to think better and focus. Water also flushes toxins, improves skin, boosts the immune system, and is a headache remedy!

How much should you drink?

Recommended amounts vary from person to person. Let’s say you have two women who are about the same height and weight, it would be easy to say they should each drink about .5 oz of water per pound of body weight per day (which is a great general guideline). I like to shoot for more than that but this is a great start.

For example, I weigh 145 lbs. I need to be drinking at a minimum 72.5  ounces of water. That’s just about 9 – 8 oz. cups of water. This is right in line with the general recomendation of drinking 8-10 cups of water a day.

But if one person is out in the heat all day or works out at a much higher intensity than the other, she will most likely need more water to stay well hydrated. Pro tip: once you feel thirsty you’re already starting to get dehydrated. Try to spread out your water intake throught the day so that doesn’t happen!

Interesting tidbit: Just by losing 2% (Yikes!) of the total water in your body, you can decrease performance when exercising by over 25%!


The BEST way to know if you are drinking enough is by the color of your pee (it should be very pale yellow – not bright yellow) and how you feel (do you have energy?)

Challenge: Go to your cabinet and find a big water bottle. If you don’t have one, order one online NOW! Check out this post for my favorite water bottle. Carry this water bottle with you everywhere you go and drink throughout the day!

Hop on over to the Facebook Group and show us your water bottle!

If you need some help getting more water in daily I’ve got a FREE Water Drinking Challenge coming up soon.