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Use Tailwind to Explode Pinterest Traffic


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Use Tailwind to Explode Pinterest Traffic

If you’ve got a website, chances are you’ve got a variety of social media accounts to help market it. Which ones you use depend heavily on your niche. I have a health and fitness mom blog, so Pinterest is a big source of traffic for me. Contrary to popular belief Pinterest is NOT a Social Media Platform. It’s a visual search engine. Millions of people go to Pinterest every day and search for things. Pinning the right way can completely explode your traffic. Manual pinning takes a lot of time. Tailwind puts your Pinterest on autopilot!

What is Tailwind?

Tailwind is an auto-poster for Pinterest or Instagram. I’ll be covering Tailwind for Pinterest in this post.

It is THE BEST way to put your pinning on autopilot. It’s got everything you need to maximize your Pinterest exposure with minimal time investment on your part.

You won’t have to find the time to pin manually, Tailwind does it for you!

The analytics will instantly show you how your pins are performing and the quality of your group boards.

Click here to try it

What does Tailwind do?

Tailwind helps to put your pinning on autopilot. It is THE MOST efficient way to drive traffic to your blog.

Here’s everything that Tailwind does.

  • Schedules your pins
  • Posts at the best time for YOUR audience
  • Shows you related content you can share
  • Connects you with other likeminded Pinners via Tribes
  • Amplifies your reach

Not using Tailwind yet. For a free month Click here!

Scheduling a Pin

There are 3 different options on how to schedule a Pin.

  1. Schedule from Pinterest
  2. Schedule from your website
  3. Upload Pins directly into Tailwind

The fastest way for the first 2 options is to use the Tailwind browser extension. Just hover over the image and you’ll see the logo pop up.

Or, you can click any Pinterest “Save” button on the website. Then instead of Saving to a Pinterest board, click the Tailwind icon.

Finally, to upload directly into Tailwind.


Click on Publisher on the left, then create a  draft


Next, in the window below the Pin image, add all the boards that make sense for this Pin. Pinterest recommends you post to the most relevant boards first. And no more than 10 boards to a pin

boards 2 boards

Check the Pin description to make sure it’s how you want it.

If you’ve chosen two or more boards, I recommend clicking the Interval button and spacing these Pins out by 1 to 7 days. I like 2 days between pins. This is also a Tailwind “best practice”. You always want to pin to your MOST RELEVANT boards FIRST! This helps Pinterest know that what you’re pinning is important.


Then click “Schedule now” or “Add to Queue” and you’re done!

If you close the window without scheduling, your Pin will be waiting in your Drafts page.

For a free month Click here!

Board Lists

Board lists are groups of boards that you pin to regularly. They can be grouped by topic or by frequency. I use these to schedule different images for pins. No more than 10 boards to a single image though!

board lists

Tailwind Tribes and How to use Them

Tailwind tribes are like group boards but exclusive only to Tailwind. TO add any of your pins to your Tribes click the “add to Tribes” button before the Facebook description.


I own a tribe that I’m trying to grow, and I’d love to have you there. Join by clicking on my link below!

Health and Fitness for Busy Moms

I pin my most popular images to my tribes. This really increases my exposure.


My Results

I’ve seen (and keep seeing exponential Pinterest growth since I started using Tailwind. I haven’t had anything “go viral” yet but I’m still new in the game. Take a look at my 90-day stats. You can see where I took a break and let my queue run dry (a big no-no if you don’t want your stats to take a hit). I was barely at 100 monthly followers before and each day I’m watching my numbers climb. As of the writing of this post I’m at 58k monthly followers and climbing!

Pinterest Profile

Pinterest traffic

Update 1.5 months later – I’m now at 198k monthly followers! And my following keeps growing! I’ve had 2 different pins get 8k impressions each with 90 link clicks and 35 link clicks respectively solely from Pinterest.


Tailwind is a total game-changer for many bloggers, myself included. If you’re not using Tailwind yet click HERE for a link to sign up. If you’re a health and fitness mom blogger JOIN MY TRIBE HERE!


Subscribe to the blog for access to my health and fitness FREE resource library!

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30 thoughts on “Use Tailwind to Explode Pinterest Traffic”

  1. ok, think I need this for my blog and resources now. I can follow your link! Maybe we can partner on some healthy recipe ideas for parents and kids. let me know.

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