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Ladder Workout – Workout of the Week


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Ladder Workout – Workout of the Week

Here’s the next installment of the “Workout of the Week”. This week’s workout is a no-equipment bodyweight ladder workout. You will work up the “ladder” with the reps for each exercise.

Basic Principles

I love a good bodyweight workout. This one is no different than my others. Find all my workouts here.

This workout is another modification on HIIT. It will get your heart pumping for sure! I explain a bit more about HIIT in last week’s workout, 10-Minute HIIT if you want to know why it works to burn more fat.

Since there isn’t any equipment involved this workout can be done anywhere. It shouldn’t take too much time either.

Make sure you have clear floor space. Wear clothes that you can move quickly and easily in.

The use of a yoga mat may also help. Here is a link to one of my favorites. Make sure you’ve got a good pair of sneakers with good support as well since you’ll be jumping around a little.

The Moves

Most of these movements are basic but I’ll give a brief rundown of some of the lesser-known movements just in case.

  • Burpees – Gotta love to hate burpees. You start standing up squat down and kick your legs out behind you like you’re going to do a push-up (do an actual push-up to challenge yourself if you want to make it more difficult) then bring your legs back in and jump up in the air.
  • Dips – Use a bench, chair, step or set of dip bars. Hold yourself upright then bend at the elbows until your arms are about at a 90-degree angle.
  • Push-ups to Plank Jack – Do a regular push-up. At the top like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your lets wide then back together. This is one rep.
  • Squats – Stand upright with your feet just wider than hip-distance then squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground (deeper is fine too but you need to get to AT LEAST parallel for the movement to be most effective.
  • Jump Squats – same as a squat but jump up explosively from the bottom position.
  • V-up – Like a sit-up only with your arms extended overhead and you bring your arms and legs up to make a “V” shape.
  • Hip/Glute Bridge – Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms straight at your sides with palms facing down. Lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line. Squeeze your glutes and abs during the movement. Hold at the top for 1-3 seconds. Lower yourself down. Don’t push through your heels.

The Workout

Each movement will be done for the prescribed reps then you move onto the next exercise. Rest in between movements as needed. If it’s not challenging enough, do the workout twice with only a short rest between! You can also shorten your time between exercises or omit the rest altogether.  Try timing your rounds and see if you can beat your previous time! Have fun with it. Put some music on that you can move to and get to work!

Ladder Workout

Do each movement for the prescribed amount of reps (5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15), rest as little in-between as possible or omit the rest between exercises.

5 reps – burpees

7 reps – dips

9 reps – push-ups to plank jack

11 reps – squats or squat jumps

13 reps – V-ups

15 reps – hip/glute bridges


I hope you enjoyed this week’s workout of the week. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think or if you’ve tried it.



To be given access to this printable and other workouts and health and fitness printables and worksheets

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18 thoughts on “Ladder Workout – Workout of the Week”

  1. Your ladder HIIT workout offers a great intense variety of exercises that target multiple large muscle groups. I’m especially excited about the dips and burpees, even though they’re hard.

  2. Whew! Lol this is a very serious workout! I’m sure it’s not so bad after a few reps. Once my baby girl is here, I’ll try a few of these post recovery to get back in toned shape. Thank you! 🙂

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